Business & Leaders Luncheon: Start 2021 with a Diamond Speaker!
Date and Time
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PST
Please click the link below to join the webinar:

Start 2021 with a Diamond Speaker!
Adam O'Grady, General Manager of Element Six
Element Six is a $94 Million dollar, 60,000 square foot facility in Gresham producing synthetic diamonds chemically identical to naturally mined diamonds. The London-based company is part of the DeBeers Group, manufacturing diamonds for Lightbox Jewelry. Did Covid19 impact the brand new Gresham employer or the diamond industry in general? International complications? What does the future look like? What partnerships are necessary for the diamond business? Where is Element Six in their phased in business plan?
"I've been very fortunate to have been in Diamond manufacturing my entire working life, I mean everyone loves a Diamond right? It has taken me all over the world, working in Ireland, South Africa, Sweden, China, the U.K., and over the last couple of years to the U.S. and Portland, Oregon. Up until the last few years I was mostly involved in diamonds for Industrial applications, but now I'm working exclusively with Lightbox Jewelry. I was the Project Manager responsible for the Gresham project from conception, site selection & construction, and now I'm General Manager for the new Element Six & Lightbox Jewelry lab grown diamond facility in Gresham."
Adam O'Grady