Gresham-Barlow School District
About Us
The Gresham-Barlow School District serves families with students in grades K-12 and has a student population of more than 11,800. The district has 17 schools and a solid reputation for providing its students with a quality education. Gresham-Barlow students consistently score above the national average on standardized exams. On Oregon’s Statewide Assessment, students compare favorably with those from other districts of similar socio-economic make-up.
The district’s curriculum is designed to promote the basic skills and positive attitudes required for students to lead full and productive lives in the 21st century. The district is also proud of its exceptional staff. Several of our staff members are recognized nationally for their effectiveness.
Our Mission is to inspire and empower each student. Our Vision is to culturally responsive graduates who will thrive in an ever-changing global community.