Instagram Class
Date and Time
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
The Bold Orange Office - Downtown Gresham
501 NE Hood Ave, Ste 114
Gresham, OR 97030
Cost is $25/person
Purchase tickets here: https://theboldorange.ticketspice.com/instagram-class-jun-2020?fbclid=IwAR1A9BSbHFZDZyVfe6p76DqqeFqlcnKQgdV5nkUAqv3jj2RzMSKllQYa_vg
***We have classes on various topics throughout the month - social media, business, marketing, networking, client management, and much more!***
Check out our other events here --- https://www.facebook.com/TheBoldOrange/events
Contact Information
Kayla Viramontes
Send Email
Learn the ins and outs of the second largest social media platform. IG grows rapidly and it is an awesome way for your followers to see your products and services - imagery is key!
We will be covering:
-Creating a common "feel" to your feed/stories
The importance of brand awareness in a visually cluttered world
-The power of your insights.
Cost is $25/person