Health & Wellness (New Date)
Date and Time
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
7:30 AM - 8:45 AM PST
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Health & Wellness Group
Speaker: Dr. Marlena Kennedy
Topic: Natural Solutions for Fatigue
So many of us struggle with chronic fatigue getting in the way of daily life. Often, when this is brought up in a doctor's office, we are given little to no options for investigating it or treating it. Does that mean you have to just deal with it? No!
There are many reasons for chronic fatigue, and if your doctor has not investigated that with you, it's time to look into other options. She'll take a look at how she does this in her practice, so you know what to look for in yourself and your loved ones. She'll go over ways to figure out what's causing your fatigue and different ways that it can be treated.
You deserve to feel good and have some energy for life!
Dr. Kennedy is a naturopathic physician in Gresham. She graduated from the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland after receiving a Bachelor’s degree in biology in California. She is trained in various forms of diagnosis and treatment, from nutrition and botanical medicines to injection therapies and pharmaceuticals. She believes in supporting the body’s normal function through good fuel, exercise, botanicals, and nutrients before jumping to pharmaceuticals or more invasive interventions. Using a holistic approach, she takes the time to assess the health of every system in your body to address your condition as a whole, including structural, mental, and emotional health.
She uses functional lab evaluation and kinesiologic testing to determine which systems of the body are under stress and what specific treatments they need to heal. With these methods, we save time and money that may have been wasted on treatments that your body didn’t need.