Health & Wellness
Date and Time
Thursday Oct 15, 2020
7:30 AM - 8:45 AM PDT
Zoom Meeting Presentation goals: The goal of Kim's presentation "Dementia: The Importance of Routines in Uncertain Times to Reduce Overall Stress, Anxiety and Depression", is to offer practical tools for caregivers/providers who are supporting individuals with a dementia diagnosis. She hopes that there is increased understanding of the benefits of creating routine and predictability for those dealing with dementia. Kim Decker, BA, MBA Presenting on behalf of Mt. Hood Adult Day Center and Mt. Hood Senior Solutions Bio: Kim has worked in the social services industry for over 25 years. She has extensive experience with children, families, adults and seniors. She has a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in healthcare management. Her passions lie with helping people live their best lives despite their current health or socioeconomic circumstances. She enjoys connecting people to resources that will offer increased quality of life through support and personal connections.
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Liz O'Byrne
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Health & Wellness Group
Speaker: Kim Decker with Mt. Hood Senior Solutions
Topic: Dementia: The Importance of Routines in Uncertain Times to Reduce Overall Stress, Anxiety and Depression
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