Developing Professionals
Date and Time
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM PDT
Zoom Meeting
Gresham Chamber is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Developing Professionals
Time: Sep 16, 2020 05:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Developing Professionals
Topic: How to Honor, Lift, and Optimize Your People
Click here to take a free version of the CVI (Core Values Index)
Please join us for an important conversation presented by Dan Cox, CEO of EXOS Advisors on how to: Honor, Lift and Optimize your teams for greater business (and personal) success! Learn about a new people dynamic and how it impacts an organization down to the bottom line.
Dan worked as a Licensed Professional Counselor for 15 years serving families, individuals, and couples who were experiencing some of life’s most challenging issues: trauma, broken relationships, addictions, life transitions, loss, physical setbacks, and blended families, to name a few. Compelled to serve people in their place of work, Dan made a transition to Executive Coaching in 2005. Having spent time “behind the scenes” understanding and impacting the human dynamic, it became his life mission to work in places where people spend the bulk of their waking hours, being on site to cause powerful insights and opportunities for change.
Dan is a masterful coach and facilitator combining compassion and candor in his approach. Dan has coached hundreds of business owners, executives, managers and supervisors of all levels in organizational settings–both profit and non-profit.