Club Paesano Bocce Leagues
Date and Time
Monday Jun 5, 2023
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM PDT
Monday - June 5th
Tuesday - June 6th
Wednesday- June 7th
Thursday - June 8th
Leagues night start at 6:30pm and last till 9pm
Every week till August 13th
3800 West Powell Loop
Gresham, OR 97030
Off the Spring Water Trail, just south of Walmart at SE 181st & SE Powell
Single membership - $100
Couples - $150
21 yrs and younger - $20
Membership fees allow you unlimited access and practice at our bocce courts and allows you to play in our tournaments.
Contact Information
Rick Cervi
Send Email

If you are a bocce player or are interested in playing bocce ball, Club Paesano leagues are now forming now for our 2023 season which starts on Monday June 5th. We will have 4 nights of Bocce leagues starting on Monday and going through Thursday night. Monday nights will be for our more advanced players and Thursday will be for our beginners and rookies. It's a fantastic easy-going sport, that anyone can play. It doesn't matter how old you are, how athletic you are, it's a great way to pass a summer evening. If you are interested in playing and would like to sign up or need more information, please go to our website at We have 4 "World Class" courts, plenty of parking, restrooms and will be offering food for purchase. If you need additional information please contact Rick Cervi at 503-891-7374