Building a Great Client Experience
Date and Time
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM PDT
The Bold Orange Office - Downtown Gresham
501 NE Hood Ave, Ste #114
Gresham, OR 97030
Tickets can be purchased: https://theboldorange.ticketspice.com/building-a-great-client-experience-jun-2020?fbclid=IwAR0o_QnX3ZxYC516CcsUPIeOXQ-ujVuP4vTjHoNp_sw-FdhEjQEFGH2_wHc
***We have classes on various topics throughout the month - social media, business, marketing, networking, client management, and much more!***
Check out our other events here --- https://www.facebook.com/TheBoldOrange/events
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From the very first time a potential client interacts with you and through their 100th order - they need to feel a trustworthy connection. That connection is built on consistency....and being awesome!
We are going to cover the importance of a great client experience, how it helps you stand out from your competitors, easy-to-implement strategies that make your clients swoon, and how to keep up with it!
Cost $25/person