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Assisting Your Business During COVID-19 Crisis

A State of Emergency has been proclaimed. That opens the door for funding from the federal and state government. However, we need to collect data and specific damages in order to make the argument for funding amounts.

In addition, we want to gather a picture of who is affected and to what degree. The following survey will only take about 3 minutes to complete. We will be asking some of these questions again at a later date when the impact is more severe. In the meantime, we still need to get a snapshot of your situation.

All information is CONFIDENTIAL.
Are you remaining open for business? *
Do you own or rent your business establishment property? *
All information is confidential and will not be used specifically. However, if I have a question regarding your business, I would like the ability to personally call you. Please provide your contact information should I need clarification, again to be kept confidential. Thank you for your participation. Lynn, CEO